How do they make money?
Here’s a fun site that tries to show how a whole pile of Tech companies try to monetize their products. I don’t know what their sources of information are or how accurate it all is, but it’s fun to look at and a starting point for those who are interested.
Posted in: General
Peggy Lawson 6:00 pm on September 25, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for posting Teacherben!! I had just posted on Colin’s post, asking this very question. Your post is excellent. Personally, this would be a very useful direction for ETEC 522 – not just what makes for a good entrepreneur, but also how one could/would/does make money in the “free” web 2.0 world.
Your post provides excellent food for thought – thank you!
Colin 11:03 pm on September 25, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for the website I just replied to Peggy and then saw your post. I definitely will need to use that with my class.